This RefsnRegs directory contains Archived PDF files, mostly which were originally posted on They contain copyrighted material and cannot legally be posted anywhere else without permission. These are the most recently modified, added and/or updated RefsnRegs file(s) as of 5/16/24: LEDs_as_Audio_Voltage_References_P2.pdf Part 2 of 2 parts. Smoke and mirror stuff for low noise in your audio reg. Sources_101_Update_AX_062017.pdf is a copy of the 2017 update of the original Sources 101 articles. With just a tad of humour, thanks to the Yankee great Yogi Berra. Good stuff indeed. See updated references, and don't miss the Geza Csanky information. LEDs_as_Audio_Voltage_References_P1.pdf A resurrected and updated collection of LED reference ideas. Part 1 of 2 parts. Great stuff for low noise in your audio reg. Kudos to Gerhard Hoffman for his landmark work on noise (see link within). AX_High_Perf_Current_Regs_Revisited_0409_052921.pdf An updated article on the Vgs multiplied bias trick for depletion mode MOSFETs, such as the DN2540 / DN2535 devices. An_Improved_Reference_Filter_for_Audio_Regulators.pdf Simple method to improve noise rejection in audio regulators. The_PM829_Reference.pdf First (of five) articles in SR2020 Project series. SR2020_Dynamic_Tester_Preview.pdf Second (of five) articles in SR2020 Project series. A preview document of a tester useful for testing a Super Regulator for cap stability issues and Zout (11/11/20 revised and updated 11/13/20, 01/31/21) SR2020_Dynamic_Tester.pdf Third (of five) articles in SR2020 Project series. A document of a tester useful for testing a Super Regulator for cap stability issues and Zout (11/11/20, revised and updated 11/13/20, 01/2821. Preview version updated with schematic 11/27/20) CAP_LTEs_060620.pdf A somewhat dated but still relevant discussion on optimizing electrolytic capacitor selection for SR application. (CAP_LTEs_060620) IC_Regulated_Power.pdf Classic piece on power supply regulators using op amps, circa 1974 from TAA. Link to Jack Walton regulator test in Linear Audio: Highly recommended for detailed test data on many different regulators, plus listening tests. Check out Table 7 to see how they all fare (Hint - the top performer is referenced elsewhere in this listing). (09/28/19) Regs_for_High_Perf_Audio_1.pdf This collection is the 1995 Audio Amateur series on high performance regulators. Regs_for_High_Perf_Audio_2_A.pdf Regs_for_High_Perf_Audio_2_B.pdf Regs_for_High_Perf_Audio_2_C.pdf Regs_for_High_Perf_Audio_3.pdf Regs_for_High_Perf_Audio_4.pdf The above 6 PDFs as a ZIPfile. (09/28/19) Also, watch this space for new information on the Jung Super Regulator topology, evolving from 1995 to 2019. (09/28/19) 2New_Vrefs_082715_Draft.pdf Posted here for historical reference. This is an early version of some new DIY audio suitable reference circuits (08/27/15). It was circulated in confidence for feedback purposes. (07/19/19) AX_letters_0907.pdf Some key correspondence(s) on the Sources 101 project. (04/29/19) Low_Noise_Power_for_Analog_Circuits.pdf A recently tweaked (04/16/19, 04/23/19) version, indexed, with great tips on regs. Is ~130dB of line rejection ok by you? The_PM829_Reference.pdf A new Vref trick for DIY projects AX_WJ_Interview.pdf Build_Ultra_Low_Noise_Voltage_Reference.pdf Improved_PN_Regs.pdf GLED431_An Ultra Low Noise LED Reference Cell _Walt's Blog 2014_092418.pdf Regulator_Excels_In_Noise_and_Line_Rejection.pdf UnivReg_122714.pdf (updated 2108) Getting_the_Most_from_IC_Voltage_References.pdf Send any questions to, and thanks to everyone for their interest and support! Walt Jung 06/06/20, 09/28/19, 07/19/19, 04/29/19, 04/16/19, 04/23/19 11/11/20, 11/27/20, 01/28/21, 12/09/22